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TX21 8-120V 0-500A BT Battery Monitor

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Has introduced their item  latest, the lead that is BW-TX21 battery pack degree indicator. This Digital LCD Display battery pack monitor cells capability tester meter indicator is  a must-have for anyone whom utilizes batteries being lead-acid. It is a easy and easy-to-use device that allows users have a look at battery power ability and voltage to ensure that their battery power is in perfect purchase that is working. 

Battery pack pack monitor was made with a LCD that is large-screen display is bright and simple to understand. This display offers readings that are real-time utilizing the battery power voltage and degree. The BW-TX21 has program that is allows that are intuitive to utilize and navigate. Its precision degree is impressive since it comes with a sensor that is exact energy administration  CPU-controlled. Additionally it is suitable for a number  wide of battery power kinds such as damp, AGM, GEL, and VRLA. 

The BW-TX21 is  a unit that is versatile can be utilized for a number of applications, including automobiles, motorcycles, RV, ships, and more. It really is simple to perform some installation in your own automobile or watercraft take notice of the battery power voltage and degree release. Battery pack pack monitor is built to be user-friendly, that makes it simple for one to utilize, whether you are an specialist that has experience a newbie. 

The device additionally includes a voltage  low system that alerts you whenever battery power voltage falls below 12.4V. This particular feature is vital in preventing assisting and over-discharge to provide battery power life. The BW-TX21 also is sold with a high-precision battery power calibration system enabling you to definitely calibrate the measure for optimum precision. 

In addition, the BW-TX21 battery power that is lead-acid indicator is built to be durable and lasting. Its size that is compact makes easy to install, that will be developed to withstand extreme conditions and harsh surroundings. This product could be fashioned with numerous security features, including reverse polarity security and circuit security that is quick. 

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Deskrizzjoni tal-prodott
TX21 8-120V 0-500A BT Battery  Monitor manufacture
TX21 8-120V 0-500A BT Battery  Monitor details

TX21 8-120V 0-500A BT Battery  Monitor factory

TX21 8-120V 0-500A BT Battery  Monitor details

TX21 8-120V 0-500A BT Battery  Monitor details

TX21 8-120V 0-500A BT Battery  Monitor details

TX21 8-120V 0-500A BT Battery  Monitor factory

TX21 8-120V 0-500A BT Battery  Monitor factory

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TX21 8-120V 0-500A BT Battery  Monitor details

TX21 8-120V 0-500A BT Battery  Monitor details

TX21 8-120V 0-500A BT Battery  Monitor factory

TX21 8-120V 0-500A BT Battery  Monitor factory

TX21 8-120V 0-500A BT Battery  Monitor manufacture

TX21 8-120V 0-500A BT Battery  Monitor manufacture

TX21 8-120V 0-500A BT Battery  Monitor factory

TX21 8-120V 0-500A BT Battery  Monitor manufacture

Kumpanija tagħna

      Shanghai Baiway electronic CO., LTD twaqqfet fl-2009. Kumpanija tagħna kienet iffukata fuq il-produzzjoni, disinn u żvilupp ta 'applikazzjonijiet ta' batteriji għal snin, għandhom esperjenza rikka.

      Il-kumpanija għandha żvilupp qawwi ta 'saħħa teknika, u kontinwament tintroduċi prodotti ġodda biex tissodisfa l-ħtiġijiet ta' diversi klijenti. Shanghai Baiway electronics Co., integrità, saħħa u kwalità ta 'prodotti rikonoxxuti mill-industrija. Merħba ħbieb minn kull qasam tal-ħajja jiġu jżuru, gwida u negozjar tan-negozju.

TX21 8-120V 0-500A BT Battery  Monitor details

TX21 8-120V 0-500A BT Battery  Monitor supplier
TX21 8-120V 0-500A BT Battery  Monitor details
TX21 8-120V 0-500A BT Battery  Monitor details

TX21 8-120V 0-500A BT Battery  Monitor manufacture

TX21 8-120V 0-500A BT Battery  Monitor supplier

TX21 8-120V 0-500A BT Battery  Monitor factory

Ippakkjar u Kunsinna

Packing: Each packed in sealing bag, bag size:15*15*5cm, weight: 550g.
Kunsinna: Nistgħu nibagħtu l-merkanzija bil-baħar, fuq l-art, bl-ajru u bil-posta skond kif għandek bżonn.
Receiving: Please make sure the goods are in good condition before sign for. Please contact us if you have any question about the products.

TX21 8-120V 0-500A BT Battery  Monitor factory

TX21 8-120V 0-500A BT Battery  Monitor supplier

TX21 8-120V 0-500A BT Battery  Monitor manufacture


1. Inti manifattur jew negozjant?
Aħna manifattur, u l-kumpanija tagħna hija stabbilita fl-2009.

2. X'inhu ħin tal-kunsinna tiegħek?
10-30 ijiem tax-xogħol jiddependi fuq il-kwantità tal-ordni tiegħek.

3. Fejn hi l-fabbrika tiegħek?
Sib f'Shanghai, iċ-Ċina. Inti mistieden iżżur il-fabbrika tagħna.

4. X'inhuma l-prodotti prinċipali tiegħek?
Il-prodotti tagħna jinkludu tester tal-kapaċità tal-batterija tat-tip ta 'vultaġġ, indikatur tal-kapaċità tal-batterija tat-tip kurrenti, eċċ.

5. Għaliex tagħżel lilna?
Il-prodotti tal-kumpanija tagħna huma R&D u manifattura indipendenti, għandhom prestazzjoni għolja.

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