All golfers know that a golf game, costs money and time, but what you may not think about is what allows your golf cart to move around the course, without it, you would just stand still, watching your friends play, while you wait for the next d...
ARA AKTARHave you ever heard of a forklift? Most of the time, it says basic stuff, such as that a forklift is a large power-operated industrial vehicle, used to lift and move heavy loads of goods and materials, such as pallets, boxes, and sometimes, equipment...
ARA AKTARWhat is fun and a little bit useful at thesame time? Playing golf but driving a golf cart. Let’s say you’re out at the golf course with some of your buddies, swaying your clubs, and breathing the fresh air. It sounds great, right? But just like any v...
ARA AKTARHave you ever been on RV adventures? If you own an RV, then you probably understand the value of a quality power source. RV appliances and different gadgets need constant power, and your batteries need to be punched up enough to run all such gears fo...
ARA AKTARAll factories and warehouses rely on forklifts to a great extent. They assist the workers of moving heavy materials from one place to another, this speeds up the process and facilitates the work. Forklifts require a lot of power and they get that pow...
ARA AKTARIf you love traveling in your RV, then you know the importance of having good electricity each time you're on the road. It's the kind of appliances you may use such as lights, refrigerators, or even having the ability to charge your devices without h...
ARA AKTARHeavy weights can be moved quickly and efficiently with the help of these Forklifts machines. Forklifts uses battery which gives them energy to operate. These are very useful batteries so it is important that you maintain them properly to get th...
ARA AKTARQatt ħsibt kemm qed jerdgħu meraq il-batteriji tiegħek? Qatt xtaqt li tkun taf mingħajr ma tiċċekkjahom kuljum? Trid tkun taf kemm qed tuża l-batteriji tiegħek, qabbad mal-Monitor tal-Batterija Smart tal-Enerġija permezz tal-Bluetooth! F'xogħol ieħor...
ARA AKTARQatt ippruvajt tiddivina l-ħlas stmat li fadal fil-vettura tiegħek? Huwa diffiċli li tgħid, veru? Saħansitra kont inkaljat mal-ġenb tat-triq minħabba batterija mejta mhux mistennija? Jekk weġibt iva għal xi waħda mill-mistoqsijiet t'hawn fuq allura Univ...
ARA AKTARHi hemm! Ukoll, tixtieq tiskopri apparat ieħor tal-biża 'biex iżżomm il-karozza tiegħek fil-forma u taħdem kif suppost? Dan huwa l-hekk imsejjaħ Universali LCD Car Battery Monitor. Nirrealizza li jidher isem kbir ħafna, imma fiduċja fija! Huwa fil-fatt...
ARA AKTARQatt xtaqt tkun taf kemm fadlek qawwa fuq it-telefon jew it-tablet tiegħek. Għalkemm l-ikona tal-batterija ħamra hija tedjanti ħafna u se jkun iż-żmien li fadal biex tkompli tuża t-tagħmir tiegħek? Per eżempju, inti qiegħed f'nofs logħba jew vidjo u tiegħek...
ARA AKTARSerjament, qatt ħsibt dwar il-mekkaniżmi wara dawn l-aġġeġġi u l-apparati kollha tad-dar li nużaw? Huwa inkredibbli kemm jkollna magni friski biex jinteraġixxu magħhom kull jum wieħed, u huwa tassew tajjeb li naħseb dwar l-affarijiet li ...